Sunday, February 28, 2016

DRR Visit

The District Rotaract representative usually visit every club of his district to get an performance evaluation for the year of each club.
 We decided with the board of our club and then informed the district secretary about a date for the DRR to visit. Afterwards the Avenue
directors, Secretary and the Treasurer was asked to prepare the necessary documentation. Majority of the club members supported the officials to gather the documents and to prepare the files.

We had the DRR visit jointly with the Rotaracr club of Neptune Edification. The DRR had a casual discussion with the members of the club and with the members who newly joined the club to get their views about this movement. After that he checked the docments and files of the two clubs to get an idea where the club stands and to view its performance.
This was a great opportunity for all of us where we were able to meet the DRR and to discuss the matters of our club and to get both negative and positive views.

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