Saturday, May 5, 2018

Vesak Lantern Project

The Vesak Lantern Project is a signature project done by the Rotaract Club of Kandy organized in celebration of Vesak Festival. This year Vesak Lanterns project was held on the 29th pf April 2018. It was organized in collaboration with the Interact Club of Hillwood College, Kandy. The Rotaractors and Interactors went to the Childrens’ Home at around 8 a.m, with things needed to make Vesak lanterns. There were 35 children in the Children's Home and we made thirty lanterns with the children from morning to evening. We also provided them with a small healthy snack of fruits and chocolates. We added more to this worthy cause by donating some books for their library as well.

Through this project we were able to spend some quality time with these children while teaching them to make Vesak Lanterns, and also the children too enjoyed our company and were extremely happy to be with us. We were able to give them the love and affection which they are seeking for, even if it was for a short period of time. 

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