Saturday, December 1, 2018

STD Awareness Program

STD Awareness Program

DR. Rukshan Karunarathna conducted the seminar for the club membersof Rotaract Club of Kandy and Rotaract Club of University of Peradeniya to give awareness and education on sexually transmitted diseases. The project was held on 1st of December 2018 and chaired by Rtr. Dharanidharan. Sexually Transmitted Diseases are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Young individuals are more likely at risk in the society therefore The Rotaract Club of Kandy in collaboration with The Rotaract Club of University of Peradeniya organized STD Awareness Program to club members to make them aware about various sexual transmitted diseases and to spread the message to society. Dr.Rukashan Karunarathna conduct the seminar which includes the following.
§  Kinds of sexual transmitted diseases
§  Modes of transmission
§  Symptoms of each disease
§  Complications of STD infections
§  Prevention

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