Saturday, December 29, 2018

Secret Santa

Secret Santa

Secret Santa is an annual signature Club service project of the RAC Kandy, in celebration of Christmas – the most wonderful time of the year. Secret Santa is a game in which members of the RAC Kandy are randomly assigned to a get a gift to another member secretly. The special feature of this project is that each member of the club receives a Christmas gift from another anonymous member termed his/her “Secret Santa” at the annual Christmas party and he/she must remain anonymous.  On the day of the Christmas Party of the RAC Kandy, all the gifts were kept under the Christmas tree and they are supposed to guess their Secret Santa. This was held on 29th of December at Licensed to Grill. Chaired by Rtr. Samindhi and Rtr. Nuzla. The project contributed tremendously to give the members a joyful time while enhancing the bond between the members. This too assisted to firmly establish the concept of RAC Kandy being one family in the mindsets of everyone, where we will share our ups and downs sticking together as one team, one family. 

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