Saturday, May 7, 2016


“Fire Fighter” is yet another successful project of Rotaract Club of Kandy which was organized in collaboration with the Scout Troop of Trinity College Kandy. The project was held on 7th of May 2016 at Trinity College premises.

The workshop was conducted by the Fire Brigade of Kandy, based on elementary theories on causes of fire, fire extinguishers, also a productive discussion on how to face an emergency of fire. The workshop was consisted of a practical session as well.

The project was chaired by Rtr. Lahiru and Rtr. Samith. Everyone applauded them for showcasing a wonderful project and the Trinity College Scout Troop for their undying support to make this project more fabulous. There was an approximate count of around 60 students participated for the work shop, from different schools in Kandy.

The project was organized under the avenue of Professional Development. The team Kandy is always dedicated and looking ahead to make a world of difference and to make achievements with looming challenges to excel the higher expectations.

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