Monday, May 23, 2016

Help Them Rise Again

Silhouette in nature has always been an inspiration to us as rotaractors. Nature will do wonder, also at the same time nature will stand against human.
 “Help them rise again” is a flood relief project organized by the Rotaract Club of Kandy within a very short time period, being spontaneous while joining hands with NethFM and Rotaract Club of Neptune Edification, which depicts our spark for community service.
The project was handled by Rtr.Kenneth Cottling and it was held on 19 th to 23 rd of May 2016 at Kandy City Center (KCC). We collected dry rations, water, clothes, and medicine to donate for the families and victims of flood and landslides. The distribution of the goods took place from 21 st to 23 rd of May 2016. These goods were distributed among people who

were affected by floods and landslides in the areas of Kadugannawa, Gampola, Gelioya, and Colombo. The media publicity was given by the NethFM and through Facebook.
Through this project we were able to take part and interact directly with the affected groups of people, look into their needs, share the awful experiences and be a strength to them. Summed up in one word I would call this project amazing! It is an experience that will be forever etched in our memory mainly because of all that we learned and all the wonderful generous people we met along the way.

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