Saturday, January 14, 2017

Celebration of Thai Pongal in Mannar

The Tamil festival of Thai Pongal is a thanks giving ceremony in which the farmers celebrate the event to thank the spirits of nature , the Sun and the farm animals for their assistance in providing a successful harvest. The rest of the people celebrate the festival to pay their thanks to the farmers for the production of food. Overall, it is a festival to encourage social cohesiveness and unite people by bringing them together in a common function. Celebrating this festival with the needy is a great blessing.The Rotaract Club of Kandy Celebrated the Thai Pongal on the 14th o January 2016 along with the donation of clothes project for the first time. This was a great opportunity as we learned about the importance of Pongal and we made Pongal along with the Annai Illam Orphanage girls.The project was successfully completed with fellowship.

Article by Rtr. Rasika Baskaran

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