Sunday, October 14, 2018

Hosting Fourth DCM

Hosting Fourth DCM

We, the proud members of Kandy Rotaract Club always believe that “Image is everything.” If we don’t build our own image, we are nobody. That’s why we always identify what suits us and build our own signature through inspiration.
The monthly District Committee meeting, where we use as an open forum to discuss our future plans of the District Rotaract Council and to look back in the projects and events completed was hosted by the Rotaract Club of Kandy along with Rotaract Club of University of Peradeniya and Rotaract Club of Katugasthota Region on 14th October 2018. This was held at the ICBT Kandy Campus. The responsibility of hosting the fourth  DCM was taken by Rtr. Mohamed Rehan. Many officials from the District attended the fourth DCM. The DRR spoke about the significant projects and events that will be taking place in the Rotaract calendar and the clubs were given the opportunity to make announcements regarding their respective projects and events.
Kudos for team Kandy for keeping up with the world and for the smart work.

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