Friday, September 29, 2017

The T shirt and the Cap for the new term 17/18

The T-shirt and cap project of the Rotaract Club of Kandy for the term 17/18 was completed on the 29th of September 2017.

Initially, the proposed design for the T shirt and the cap of the new term was discussed in the club meeting with all the members and was eventually approved by all. The sizes for the t shirts of every member were collected by the project chairperson through the official whatsapp group, calls and through personal messages.

The order for printing the t shirts and the caps were given to Windus Weeraratne Industries (Pvt) Ltd in Kandy. Later, after the completed items were delivered they were distributed among the members accordingly.

The t shirt was admired by everyone for it’s unique outlook which was proof for the commendable completion of the project.

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