Saturday, August 25, 2018



The Esala Perahera in Kandy is one of the oldest and grandest of all Buddhist festivals in Sri Lanka, also known as “The Festival of the Tooth” which is celebrated with elegant costumes featuring dancers, musicians and a large number of lavishly decorated caparisoned Tuskers and Elephants parading the streets. This usually takes place during the months of July/ August in Kandy. This historical procession that consists of the Maligawa, Natha, Vishnu, Katharagama and Pathini temple parades is held annually to pay homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha, which is housed at the Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy. Thousands of people including locals and foreigners come to Kandy in order to watch the Perahara and they usually tend to watch both types (Kumbal and Randholi) which goes on for a total number of 10 days. Some locals travel a pretty fair distance in order to come watch the Perahara which is indeed a blessing and will be seated on the streets for hours to catch a spot to view the procession.

As we all know Hill Capital or Kandy- as the commonly used name, sits at the threshold of a region rich in cultural experiences and astonishing natural beauty. “Vibes of Perehara” organized by the Rotaract Club of Kandy is the best evidence to prove that we are always pay our concern on cultural highlights.   

“Vibes of Perehara” was held on 25th of August 2018. We all got together and made 15,000 packs of sandwiches in collaboration with the Vishnu Dewalaya Kandy and distributed among spectators in the streets who had come to watch Randholi Perehara (Golden Palanquin).  “Vibes of Perehara” was chaired by Rtr. Dinuk Ratwatte and Rtr.Asheni Gamage under the avenue of community service. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Hosting Indian Rotaractors

Hosting Indian Rotaractors

Spending time alone, with no company, tends to make our mind wander. Well, it turns the futility of ourselves into a finely tuned person that we never knew before.

Hosting Indian Rotaractors was an international understanding project of us, the team Kandy with a greater importance. The project was held on the days of 18th and 19th of August 2018 with the guidance of the project committee consists of Rtr. Kenneth, Rtr. Rehan, Rtr. Heshan, RTr. Harsha, Rtr. Bathiya, Rtr. Dinuk and Rtr. Asheni. The visitors arrived Kandy 18th evening and was picked by President Rehan from their accommodation and taken to the temple of the tooth where PP Heshan, Rtr. Dinuk, Rtr Asheni and Rtr Harsh had made arrangements at the temple of the tooth to watch the Kandy Esela Perahara by being at Vishnu Devalaya in the Temple premises which is a rare opportunity even for us, so the visitors were able to witness the pre preparation of the Perahara and have a close view of the event. And once the event was over they had a fellowship dinner and was dropped at their accommodation. 

And the Day 2, as per the request of the visitors they were taken on a hike to Hanthana mountain rage along with Rtr. Bhathiya who is a professional Trekker who knows in and out of the Hanthana Mountain range. And they were able to cover all Three peaks though it was heavy shower, slippery footways and specially attacked by the Leachers on their way, where they completed their hike by around 5pm and was picked and the University of Peradeniya premises taken for dinner which was again a fellowship dinner and sharing of their experiences in and around Kandy and Srilanka. Infact their words “coming to Kandy wasn’t in our plan, but these Two days were the best and unforgettable days in our tour, and we are Glad we had this opportunity” made us feel so proud and the day was ended by dropping the visitors back in their accommodation and exchanging of Badges by President Rehan.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Classification Talk

Classification Talk

Classification Talk is a significant project which is was initiated by the Rotaract club of Kandy which falls under Human Resource Development.
This project was mainly concentrated on career guidance for our fellow members and to get more interactive with each other with having an understanding and respect for each job role, for this We joined hands with all our employed members who spoke about each job role and gave more insight to everyone for a career change or future career guidance. The project was held on 5th of August 2018, chaired by PM Ravindi Karunanayake.