Saturday, October 7, 2017

Joy of Hearing - Phase 1

The annual community service project “Joy of Hearing- Phase1” organized by the Rotaract Club of Kandy was held on the 7th of October from 12.30 pm onwards at the Christ Church Hall, Kandy where over eighty hearing aids were donated to the needy patients.

The project was initiated by having discussions with the ENT clinic doctors and nurses in the Kandy General Hospital. After making necessary arrangements under the assistance of the responsible entities the contact details of the patients were collected. The receivers of the hearing aids were confirmed after obtaining the necessary legal documents from the respective individuals.

The donations of hearing aids were contributions made by Mr.Gunta Volkmaan from Denmark  which were collected with the help of Rtn. John Baskaran from the Rotary Club of Kandy. Both these wonderful individuals were present with us during the project. 

The project was very satisfying and saw a successful end.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hopes of Paradise - Phase 2

The second phase of the community service project “Hopes of Paradise” organized by the Rotaract Club of Kandy was held on the same day as phase 1, the 1st of October within the school premises of the Daliwala Maha Vidyalaya to celebrate the World Childrens’ Day with the students of the school. The intention of conducting this project in a less privileged school was to take measures in order to ensure the welfare of the students.

We donated a first aid box to the school as any sort of medication was not available in case of an emergency. This was an initial step made by us to improve the health facilities of the school and for the welfare of it’s students. The principal of the school and the staff members were grateful for this contribution and appreciated our efforts to make the school a better place for the students.

We saw the end of the project with the hope of conducting more sessions to improve the school in whatever way within our abilities in the near future. 

Hopes of Paradise - Phase 1

The first phase of the community service project “Hope of Paradise” was held successfully on the 1st of October 2017 at Dalivala Maha Vidyalaya. 

We, the Rotaract club of Kandy planned to initiate a project on the world  Childrens’ day in order to celebrate the special occasion with 25 children from the above mentioned school. It is a less privileged school which needed assistance for the better performance of its student body. The shortcomings of facilities were discussed in detail among the club members and then we began to implement our plans to help them in two separate phases.

To begin with the first phase of the project, we organized a small event for the entertainment of the children. We were given a warm welcome by the students of the school who escorted us to the school premises by a vibrant parade. We were then introduced to the college principal and the staff members. The celebration began with a speech given by Rtr. Mohamed Rehan and some snacks were distributed among the students sponsored by Rtr. Rukshan Kularathne.

They took us all by surprise as they performed a few dramas, musical events to entertain us and this also assured that they were multi-talented. It was a great pleasure to see the smiles of these children who are god-gifted.

The project saw a remarkable end and the members of the club greatly contributed towards it’s success.