Sunday, August 7, 2016

Vibes of Perahara

The Rotaract Club of Kandy did the Vibes Of Pereahara project on the 7th of August which was a Club Service project. It was the last Randoli Perahara on the 7th of August.

The club made arrangements to show Perahara to our fellow club members inside the Maligawa at the Vishnu Dewale. The club managed to get down 30 seats and found sponsors for the refreshments.

This was a great experience to our club members which added memories to their lives.
Article by Dinuk Ratwatte

Food distribution at Esela Perahara

The Rotararct Club of Kandy did a food distribution project on the 7th of August under the avenue of Community Service. The Club members gathered together to make 750 packets of seeni sambol and sandwiches.

The Club members then distributed the food packs to those who came to watch the last Randoli Perahara. The club members managed to distribute all the food packs to all the people in the street.

        Article By Asheni Ehelapegamage