Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Club Assembly

The 26th of July 2015 was set aside to hold an important annual project. The Club assembly of the Rotaract Club of Kandy took place at Rotaractor Rehan's residence in Mulgampola following the general meeting with President Tilani Subasinghe and 19 other members. At the assembly, issues of the club which prevailed in the previous year were addressed and sorted out. The members also got the opportunity to voice their opinions on many things both positive and negative and come into a better understanding about Rotaract matters.

Suggestions for the improvement of the club, project ideas and goals for the future were also discussed at the assembly. All members spoke freely of matters concerning themselves and other individuals of the club. The assembly was carried out in a friendly yet official manner to bring out the best in each member of the club. Having resolved many problems that persisted in the past, we are now confident in moving forward with our projects through much perseverance and dedication.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The Goals Project was conducted in order to present and discuss the plans of the Incoming President for the year ahead. Members were given one month to bring in their suggestions, which were considered when formulating the plan. At the final presentation and discussion, the President introduced the themes and projects for each avenue and discussed about them in detail with each Avenue Director. All members actively participated in the discussion and contributed their ideas.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Club Ifthar

The 12th of July 2015 was set aside for our club's Ifthar. The members gathered at Rotaractor Rehan's residence for this fellowship. The Ifthar was held right after the first meeting of the club under our President Tilani Subasinghe. It was indeed an eventful evening with good food, happy people and interesting conversations.

The club Ifthar is an annual project the Rotaract Club of Kandy conducts. This time, the fellowship commenced at 6 pm and ended at 8 pm. All the Muslim members of the club contributed towards organizing the Ifthar. It provided the members of the club a great opportunity to blend with each other and build up good fellowship.

Everybody sat on the long laid mats facing the dishes. After prayers, we indulged in the delicious traditional Ifthar food. Samosas, Kandji rice and the date juice were prominent among the food and drinks we had. The meal came to an end with a round of enticing chocolate fudge cake. It was a memorable Ifthar for the club and we look forward to having more of these fellowship gatherings in the days to come.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Motivational and Psychotherapy Programme

This programme was conducted for 200 students who are facing the O/L examination this year of Saraswathi Maha Vidyalaya Pussellawa, to sort their day to day issues and help them build a bright future. This project was conducted jointly with our parent club, The Rotary Club of Kandy. Our Rotaract friends from the Rotaract Club of Peradeniya also joined us for this project.

The Rotaractors and Rotarians spoke to each student personally and listened to their grievances and difficulties. We mainly focused on getting to know the difficulties these students face in common, in day to day life. They were given an opportunity to reveal their woes and get council from us.

Rtn. Ajay Jeyaseelan carried out a medical session on psychotherapy. The students were comfortable conversing with us and were willing to share their stories. They were motivated and given advice to face the Ordinary level examination.

We have planned to carry out this project continuously in the years to come so that we can monitor the progress of the students of Saraswathi Maha Vidyalaya in Pussellawa. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Team Kandy

The Rotaract Club of Kandy has emerged as one of the oldest and one of the most prestigious clubs in the R I District 3220. The club was chartered on the 20th of November 1986 and has a proud history of serving the community with the spirit of Rotaract held high. The club has also produced many dynamic young individuals who hold prominent positions in the country and elsewhere as leaders in various arenas. 

The Charter President of the Rotaract Club of Kandy was Amirali Abrahim. Rotarian Mark Stephen was appointed DRR in 1998 and Rotaractor Ravindra Tammita was selected as the ADRR for the years 2014-2016. The club so far has won the RI District 3220 Citation for 9 consecutive years starting from the year 2005/2006. In the year 2012/2013, the club was recognized as one of best Rotaract Club in the District by the Rotaract District 3220. The Club also won a Total of 29 Awards (21 Club Awards + 8 Individual Awards) at the District Assembly along with the most Outstanding Club Award & the club with the highest number of projects for the Rotaract Year 2012/2013.

The spotlight of the Rotaract Club of Kandy is mainly on trademark Community Service projects. Raising funds in aid of children with Thalassemia is one of the significant projects of the club. Additionally, the club organizes projects covering the avenues of Club Services, International Understanding & Professional Development in order to serve the community while building great leaders for the future.  The club thrives on the true sense of fellowship and making connections that last a life time which have played an imperative part in the club’s success along the years. The Members of the club maintain a close relationship with the Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Kandy and the Interactors while upholding a keen interest in participating in Inter Rotaract-Rotary Projects.